10 mins read

Brooke Burke: The ‘Naked Mom’ On Challenges Of Balancing Career, Blended Family

We wanted to share this great article about Brooke, originally posted on the Huffington Post. Just listing Brooke Burke’s many accomplishments is a little exhausting: she’s the co-CEO of ModernMom.com, the President of maternity outfitter BabooshBaby.com, and of course, the co-host (and past winner) of Dancing With The Stars. Now, she’s also an author: her new memoir, The Naked Mom, hit bookstores last month.

5 mins read

Blended Family

I remember lying in bed with my children trying to find the words to comfort their confused minds after I separated from their father. At the tender ages of 3 and 5, we started a new life. It was hope for a better situation for me, but for them, it was the beginning of a life filled with change and diversity. I spent many bedtimes reading a wonderful book called Love Is a family, by Roma Downey.

3 mins read

Traditional Easter Recipes: Italian Ricotta Pie

Finally the beautiful weather makes an appearance, the clocks are set ahead and the days are getting longer. Just one glimpse of the purple crocus peeking through the ground can set off an hour of conversation between us about what flowers we will be planting, what colors we should choose, and the yearly banter about who plants the parsley and who plants the basil. Heaven forbid if we both plant the parsley! Important Questions