1 min read

How To Stay Motivated For The Long Term in Blogging & Life

Are there dreams in life that youve given up on or are struggling to stay motivated? Do you have a blog but feel youve lost your mojo? Do you wonder how you can provide value to your readers? Youre not alone! Staying motivated is extremely important in accomplishing any dream. In this video I talk about 4 motivating factors that will help keep you on track! Check out my video:

1 min read

Blogging Moms We Love!

Modern Mom loves moms (and dads) who share their stories. We want our community to share their tips and knowledge with each other. The best way to learn is from other moms and dads who understand how crazy and wonderful life can be as a busy parent. Modern Mom is a great platform to meet other moms and get your questions answered. A great way to share with each other is through blogging on our site. Below is a list of links to some great Modern Mom blogs. Each of the blogs exemplifies the author’s personality and gives us a glimpse into their life. So many moms learn from each blog that is written. Feel free to browse around and comment on blogs you love. Let the author know you are enjoying their sentiments. We know they will appreciate the feedback from other moms and dads!

3 mins read

Baby Journal Ideas

Journaling about your baby experiences creates a treasured keepsake for both you and your child, and the 21st century allows you new and exciting media to explore. A journal — whether it be on videotape, online or in an old-fashioned, physical scrapbook — captures moments from your baby’s life. You can preserve and discuss big events like her first steps as well as everyday activities that you may otherwise forget in a rich and enjoyable record of her progress and family ties.