3 mins read

What you HAVE to Tell Your Kids About Sex

In the United States, nearly one in three girls will get pregnant before she turns 20, and half of all young adults will get an STD by the time they turn 25. If youre the parent of a teen/tween, youve probably come to the hard realization that youre going to have to speak with them about sex. Will it be embarrassing? Possibly. Awkward? Most likely. But will it also make your kids less likely to become a statistic? Without a doubt. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 87% of teens say that it would be easier for them to postpone sex and avoid pregnancy if they were able to have more open and honest conversations with their parents.

2 mins read

Marvel Delights With A Different Kind of Film

In 2014, after the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, Saturday Night Live broadcast a clever parody video which claimed that Marvel could make a movie about anything – random people on a bus, shopping carts, ghosts dressed in tuxedos, a normal unremarkable woman named Pam – and it would still make billions of dollars.…

7 mins read

Forget Facebook: The Sexting Apps Parents Need To Know

As a child, I remember hearing the ominous male voice on the TV commercial asking parents:It’s 10 PM. Do you know where your children are? These day, its a little easier to track our kids whereabouts with the help of smart phones and GPS. What we parents dont always know, however, is where our kids our hanging out online.Ill be the first to admit that I cant keep …