2 mins read

Ways to Relieve Constipation in Children

If your child’s regular bowel movement schedule slows and her stools seem hard and dry, she might be constipated. Constipation causes a child discomfort, and she might have difficulty having a bowel movement. There are several ways to help relieve your child’s constipation at home, but if the symptoms persist, contact your child’s doctor.

3 mins read

Constipation Relief for Children

Constipation occurs in children for a number of reasons. The condition is characterized by fewer bowel movements than usual with more difficulty passing the stools. The stools are usually hard and dry compared to the child’s normal bowel movements. Constipation often causes discomfort for children. Trying various relief methods might help your child have a bowel movement and get back on track.

2 mins read

How to Relieve Pregnancy Constipation

There are plenty of uncomfortable topics in the world of pregnancy, not the least of which is constipation. Constipation is a normal symptom of pregnancy. The discomfort of irregular bowel movements comes as a result of hormones, those chemicals causing all kinds of havoc in your body. Hormones can relax your digestive system, allowing your body to absorb everything it can from your food, which can slow down your bowel movements. Many pregnant women experience this discomfort.

2 mins read

Pregnancy Constipation Relief

Constipation during pregnancy is one of those unfortunate normal pregnancy symptoms that can occur anytime during the pregnancy. Typical causes include hormonal changes, taking iron supplements and pressure on the digestive system from the growing baby. For some women, constipation relief comes easy; for others it can be a battle throughout the entire pregnancy.