3 mins read

Sleeping Schedules for Babies

Babies sleep a lot, but new moms often find themselves up at all hours of the night, longing for a long stretch of sleep. Helping your baby get into a regular sleep schedule gives you more rest at night when you need it most. Once his sleep patterns become more established, his other daily activities might become more routine as well.

4 mins read

How to Create a Schedule for Toddlers

When you envision a schedule, you may have a picture in your mind of setting times for activities. While this may work for school children, or in a work environment, it will not work for toddlers. Creating a schedule for these increasingly independent children is more about creating structure and stability than it is about the clock. The only part of the child’s schedule which should have a consistent time is bedtime. Toddlers are not tiny robots, and if you try to force them into a too regimented schedule, they will either act out or shut down on you. Opt for a gentle but firm approach to creating a safe and predictable routine for a toddler, with room for spontaneity.

1 min read

Daily Baby: Heidi Divulges Seals Sweet Proposal, Gwyneth Heading for the Small Screen + more

Heidi Klum reveals to People magazine how her hunky hubby, Seal, proposed marriage. Heidi said that while on vacation in Canada, Seal “had an igloo built there, and they’d brought up everything: a bed with sheets inside the igloo, rose petals everywhere, candles. Very, very romantic!” People.com reports that Gwyneth Paltrow and long-time pal, star chef Mario Batali, recently completed filming a documentary series, “Spain . . .