1 min read

Types of Over-the-Counter Birth Control

If you have not made it to the doctor yet, or simply prefer to avoid the doctor, there are some contraceptive choices available over-the-counter (OTC) at your local drugstore, grocery store or discount store. OTC birth control is affordable, accessible and effective, if it is used correctly. Both barrier methods and chemical contraceptive options are easily purchased without a prescription.

3 mins read

Is Contraceptive Foam Bad for Men?

Contraceptive foam is one form of spermicide which, along with creams, gels and suppositories, kills sperm before it reaches your uterus. Contraceptive foam has some side effects that can affect men — and women, too. But the biggest downside of using contraceptive foam on its own is that it doesn’t protect your partner from STDs, HIV or an unplanned pregnancy.

8 mins read

The Family Guide to Bug Bites 

Bug bites have been a persistent souvenir of outdoor activities throughout human history, and today, these pesky critters continue to trouble our families. It’s an all-too-familiar scene—your kids return from outdoor play, already scratching at fresh bug bites acquired in the backyard. To effectively deal with these nuisances, it’s essential to understand the distinct preferences and behaviors of common pests that leave us with itchy welts.

In this article, we’ll explore three of the most prevalent bloodsucking pests before delving into effective strategies to safeguard your family and home from these persistent invaders.