6 mins read

Skip The Speed: 5 Reasons Teens Should Avoid Energy Drinks

This is the second piece in a three-part series from Bright Beacon on energy drinks. Don’t miss the first part – Energy Drinks: Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? We all teach our kids to say no to drugs, but how many parents think to warn their children about the dangers of Red Bull?Here are five reasons why kids should stay away from energy drinks: 5. CAFFEINE – Heavy caffeine use has been linked to negative health effects. Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee, and they aren’t regulated by the FDA.

2 mins read

Foods for Energy During Pregnancy

Exhaustion and pregnancy go hand-in-hand for many expecting moms. If you are looking for an energy boost, step away from that candy bar. It might give you a quick boost, but healthier food choices give you longer-lasting energy to make it through the day — or at least until nap time. Keep the high-energy snacks on hand wherever you go so you always have a healthy boost available. An extra 300 calories per day helps keep up with the demands of growing a baby.

2 mins read

The Best Ways to Conserve Energy in Your Home

Former President Jimmy Carter may have said it best: The best way to conserve energy is to not use so much of it. Americans use 24 percent of the world’s energy and only make up 5 percent of the world’s total population, according to Mindfully.org. In fact, on average, one American uses more energy than 370 Ethiopians. Fortunately, some simple things can be done around the house that are not only practical, but they also conserve energy.

4 mins read

Energy Bars — Should You Give Them to Your Kid?

Remember when we gave our kids granola bars as a healthy snack? Well, all of a sudden, without anyone noticing, they have been re-packaged and come with a sales pitch. They’re now called energy bars. They come beautifully wrapped and packed full of goodies; some with chocolate chips and some with caramel. I am afraid soon we will see them sandwiched between whipped cream. Sure, they give energy, but it’s just all that sugar! That’s why kids love ’em. These bars often make big promises. Some promise increased energy and others offer up extra nutrition. Once you cut through all the hype and the flashy packaging, turns out all you may be really getting is a stiff dose of sugar.