3 mins read

Map His Erogenous Zones

Learning your lover’s erogenous zones can heat things up in the bedroom. While some of those special spots are quite obvious, others may surprise you. Once you know the areas that make him tingle, you’ll find it easier than ever to turn him on. Finding them is sure to be fun and will make an excellent addition to any romantic evening. He might even take a hint and try the same on you sometime soon.

6 mins read

Interview 4 Inspiration- Dr. Corey Allan- Simple Marriage

Interview 4 Inspiration is a series. Here you will find a sequence of questions answered by inspirational people. People who have inspired me in one way or another, either through knowing them personally or through their work. I believe people are the best sources of inspiration; therefore it gives me great pleasure to share a little more about them with you in a series of questions.