6 mins read

7 Tips for Detoxing and Restoring Energy

I have two very high energy children and run two to three jobs at any given time.  Add housework, household finances, trying to exercise, and lack of sleep into the mix and my head is constantly spinning.   Do I constantly crave a balance to keep all the juggling balls in the air?  You better believe…

6 mins read

Children With Autism And Team Sports

My son is a member of a VIP swim team. The team is not restricted to children with autism only, nor is it restricted to only children. There are adults on the older team. One adult, for example, is blind.On my sons team, which is a team designed for less experienced swimmers, there are kids with Downs Syndrome and other afflictions. Some kids have to swim with an instructor, but others are fully …

6 mins read

Do You Need to be Frightened Into Fitness?

In todays world, we all know the basics of how to get fit: eat right, make good choices, and maintain balance. And if you dont know the basics, then the resources for learning them are endless – Internet, magazines, TV shows, and all the “helpful” advice of friends, loved ones, and complete strangers.