1 min read

Vaccinations – Yes or No?

Parents in California are deciding against vaccinations of their children at twice the rate they did seven years ago. The rate of unvaccinated children in California is up 8%.  In fact, the number of vaccination exemptions has increased throughout the nation. Parents can get an exemption from required immunizations if they are against their personal beliefs – there are also medical exemptions.


Vaccinations are now available for chicken pox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, mumps …

3 mins read

Green Home Tips

Going green at home not only saves the environment, it can save you some money as well. Using less energy, either by skipping the dryer when you launder your clothes or by reducing the length of your shower, cuts down on your energy usage and your utility bills. Making your own cleaning supplies is much cheaper than purchasing commercial supplies and keeps dangerous chemicals, such as bleach and ammonia, out of your drain.

6 mins read

Independence: A Must!

Independence: The state or quality of being independent; freedom from dependence; exemption from reliance on, or control by others; self-subsistence or maintenance; direction of ones own affairs without interference. Independence: Yours. Your childrens. How do we create our own, and foster our childrens independence? Im going to cover this topic under one umbrella, because whether youre 6, 16, 36 or 66, every girl or woman needs to be equipped with independence skills.