2 mins read

How to Decorate a Nursery on a Budget

The expenses of a new baby add up quickly between necessary gear, clothing, baby care products and the nursery. As your due date nears, decorating the nursery becomes more of a priority. Even a limited budget allows you to create an inviting, baby-friendly nursery for the newest member of your family. Establishing the exact budget for the nursery design before you begin planning helps you narrow down the options to keep the project financially under control.

2 mins read

Redecorating Your Child’s Room on a Budget

The following is a guest post fromJennifer Buda Steuer Nothing makes me happier than the feeling of new energy in a space. I wanted to change my daughter, Chloes bedroom to mark her rite of passage from preschool to Kindergarten. My mission, (without breaking the bank) was to give her room a fresh look by building on the base design of her room. These are some simple tips to redo your childs room: 1. Invest in a Rug

2 mins read

Thrift Store Craft Ideas for Kids

Need an inexpensive DIY project to do with your little ones? Were going to turn thrift store art into fun, family art! Jessie Jane, founder of Lilyshop, shows you how to amp up your childs creativity with a project youll love to have hanging in your living room. Lets Craft! Supplies A piece of artwork from the thrift store (something with a pretty frame) Paintbrushes White paint Paint to match your living room

3 mins read

Amazing Baby Rooms

Design and decorate an amazing room for your baby. She will likely spend quite a bit of time in her room as she grows, including sleeping and playtime. The room should look and feel amazing, while providing a safe haven for her. Her room should include colors or a theme you enjoy and one that she can grow into.

3 mins read

Wall Decorating Tips

While the walls in your house are primarily there to serve the basic utilitarian function of dividing up your space, these basic house components do not have to be ho-hum. By decorating your walls, you can transform your rooms into inviting and aesthetically pleasing spaces. Instead of simply hanging some pictures and placing a coat of paint on your walls, try a few creative wall decorating techniques.