5 mins read

Chocolate Caramel Pecan Toffee [Vegan & Gluten-Free]

When it comes to a special Christmas treat, one of my all-time favorite indulgences is a piece of homemade candy. It wasn’t all that long ago, one would often see tins of homemade treats under the glowing Christmas tree.Today were going back in time to when gifts were simple and made by hand. Love filled each and every tenderly created package. If this is what Christmas looks like for you, youre …

4 mins read

How a Vegan Diet Saved Me on Vacation

Vacation is a time of indulging. Indulging in extra relaxation, extra sunlight, extra food and drinks. It is also a time of letting go. Letting go of worries, to-dos, and should-dos. I allow myself freedom. Freedom from everyday routine.

4 mins read

To a Healthier You in 2011: Start an Enzyme Flush

New Years Resolution #1 for me each New Year since I learned about the raw food diet is to CONSUME MORE ENZYMES! I am a confessed obsessive compulsive when it comes to what I eat, but during the holiday season I definitely let my hair down and enjoy a cocktail (or two), indulge in lobster ravioli, eat pancakes, dance like no one is watching and the list goes on and on.

4 mins read

Dieting Tips for Young Women

Does the thought of wearing a swimming suit induce a panic attack? Have you retired your skinny jeans? Fad diets, body-cleansing regimens and diet supplements dominate the media and tempt many young women with promises of quick weight loss. Ultimately, the safest way to lose weight is to make lifetime diet changes. Small changes can add up to significant weight loss and improved health.