3 mins read

Weight Loss Boot Camps for Women

If you, like many moms, carry around a few extra pounds, but don’t feel that you have the time or energy to shed them, a weight-loss boot camp may be the ideal option. By participating in a weight loss boot camp, you can benefit from the guidance of trained professionals, likely increasing the effectiveness of your weight loss efforts. Whether you select a day-camp option or a residential one, you are likely to benefit from the experience, learning more about your body and the ways you can keep it fit.

2 mins read

Acai Berry Weight Loss Pills

Although health fads may come and go over the years, some foods do contain helpful ingredients. Producers and manufacturers of weight loss products often include acai berries in diet formulas and proclaim the benefits of these tiny fruits. Proponents claim these berries help treat a wide variety of conditions, including mild to moderate obesity. With the limited number of controlled studies involving acai berries, proponents have little scientific evidence to support certain claims. However, this plant may contain nutrients helpful to your health, according to MayoClinic.com.

3 mins read

The Best Weight-Loss Plans on the Market

Some diet plans are better than others. A few weight-loss plans promise you rapid results but only if you make drastic, unrealistic changes to your diet and exercise routines. Diets that promise rapid results can actually be dangerous to your health. It may take you a while to loss a significant amount of weight on some plans, but on the best plans, you are more likely to make permanent changes to the way you think about food and exercise. According to the Mayo Clinic and Medicine Net, the best plans teach you to properly control portions, eat healthy foods and exercise.

2 mins read

The Best Hair Loss Tips

Many individuals experience hair loss. Often, hair loss is a temporary symptom of an illness, poor diet, stress, medical treatments and drugs. Some types of hair loss are permanent. If you notice thinning hair, bald patches or excessive shedding, contact your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and possible treatment plan. Whether your hair loss occurs because of genetics, chemotherapy or a temporary illness, keeping your locks looking their best can boost your confidence and improve your appearance.