7 mins read

Favorite Female Fairy Tale Villains

Forget about the bad guys, we want to take a moment to recognize some of our favorite bad girls. These female villains are fierce, challenging and deliciously dark – and it’s quite captivating. While we all know that good will triumph in the end, half the fun of any story comes the powerful ladies who cast the spells, hoard the treasure and try to take over the world. So without further ado, here are 10 of our favorite fairy-tale villains: Maleficent

5 mins read

What’s Your Favorite Awkward Family Photo?

From braces and bad hair to long forgotten fashion mistakes, we all have photos from our past that we’d just as soon leave packed away in the attic gathering dust. But thanks to Doug Chernack and Mike Bender, those gawky and goofy pictures can be immortalized on the Internet, providing enjoyment to millions around the world. These two longtime friends are the brains behind Awkward Family Photos, a super popular blog based on reader submissions of… you guessed it: Awkward family photos.

2 mins read

Family Based Therapy Games

Whether your family has experienced some kind of tragedy or simply lost track of one another through the chaos of life, your kids, as well as the adults, may struggle to find the words they need to express their feelings and their needs. Your therapist may have some games for you to play that can open your minds and mouths to bridge communication. These games also give the therapist a chance to watch your family’s interactions.