Search Results for: female sex
Drugs to Boost Female Sex Drive
Men have the option of using prescription drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, making it possible for them to perform in the bedroom. However, drugs to boost female sex drive are so scant as to be nonexistent. According to, the reason for this is that a woman’s low libido cannot be cured with a pill. Your desire to have sex depends on many different things, such as your physical and emotional health — and the strength of your relationship with a spouse or partner.
Natural Ways to Increase Female Sex Drive
Hormonal changes in your body, such as going on the birth control pill or going through menopause, can cause your sex drive to dip. Other things, such as a lack of communication between you and your partner, your stress level and your emotional well-being can also decrease your sex drive. You may be able to boost your libido by making small changes in your lifestyle. If low sex drive remains a concern, talk to your doctor about other options.
A Treatment to Increase Female Sex Drive
Nearly half of all women complain about a decreased sexual drive, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Low sex drive could be due to physical, psychological or a combination of both reasons. If you have pain during sex, difficulty having an orgasm or vaginal dryness, you may not be all that interested in having sex.
How to Enhance the Female Sex Drive
Many women experience periods of decreased sexual desire and activity. Certain conditions, such as pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations, illness, medications, relationship issues and fatigue, may all contribute to a decrease in sexual desire. While many of these situations pass naturally, some women experience ongoing disinterest in sex. Certain medications and professional treatments, as well as home remedies, may help treat this condition. Enhancing your sex drive may improve your relationship and increase your sense of well-being.
Multivitamins to Help Female Sex Drive
Many women experience periods of low libido and lack of interest in sexual activities. According to the Mayo Clinic, this lost of interest in sex can be a lifelong problem or begin after a period of sexual satisfaction. Many things cause women to experience occasional disinterest in sex, including physical changes due to aging, medical conditions, anxiety, depression and relationship problems. Addressing the underlying problem may enhance your sex drive, as well as consuming certain vitamins and minerals. Multivitamins that contain various nutrients, including minerals and vitamins, may help boost a womans sex drive.