2 mins read

Save Money By Re-Doing Old Furniture

For most of us, the thrill of finding a great deal while shopping can be addicting. Coming home with something new that we can look at, smile at and show off is lots of fun. But shopping all the time can also lead to trouble. So today, I wanted to share a way to save some money and still have the thrill of something new and nice – redo old items in your house! I’ve been doing it all summer, and while it may take a little elbow grease, the money I have saved is downright amazing. Plus, I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes from knowing “I did that.”

3 mins read

Kitchen Cleaning Items

As the heart of the home, your kitchen deserves tender loving care when cleaning. Give your kitchen a daily once-over and then a deep clean at least once per week. Plenty of commercial cleaning products are available as well as common household items you can use to keep your kitchen spotless and ready for the next family dinner.

3 mins read

Decorating & Furniture Tips for the Bedroom

Bedrooms don’t receive as much traffic as the living room or kitchen, but the decor of your bedroom sets the mood, whether you want a relaxing, spa-like retreat or a funky, modern room. Whether you’re decorating a small guest bedroom or an expansive master suite, you will find plenty of ways to infuse your own personality and decorating style into the decor.

3 mins read

Hand-Painted Furniture Ideas

A few hours and a pint or two of paint can transform a humdrum piece of furniture into a conversation piece or family heirloom. Hand-painting furniture for your baby’s nursery, your living room, your patio or kitchen not only guarantees you an original piece of furniture, it provides you with the satisfaction that “decorator” pieces from the store will never be able to match.