3 mins read

Earth Day Crafts, Games, and Activities to Do with Your Kids

Earth Day will be taking place on April 22nd this year as an annual reminder to protect the environment and live green. With a little effort, you can reduce your negative impact by recycling, using less water, and turning off lights when not in use. This is also a perfect chance to teach little ones about cherishing the earth and natural resources through fun activities and projects. By engaging your kids in environmentally friendly activities early on, they can reap good habits of sustainable living as adults. Crafts

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Activities That Teach Kids

Almost any activity you do with your child can be an opportunity for him to learn something. Taking your child shopping can help him learn to add amounts or to select healthy food. Cooking with your child can teach him basic chemistry as well as how to be safe when handling sharp or hot items. Look for teaching moments in everyday activities you do with your children as well as planning special activities.

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Earth Day Crafts & Activities for Preschool Kids

Many preschool teachers and parents of preschool children usher in seasons and holidays with thematic activities. Earth Day, traditionally celebrated in April, provides an opportunity to educate children about the planet, its habitats, its inhabitants and its resources. Songs, games, activities and crafts illuminate the bounty our planet has to offer and provides strategies children can employ to make the world a better place.

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School Activities for Teenagers in Their Downtime

Teenagers tend to get in the most trouble when they get bored and don’t have anything to do. Keeping them excited and involved distracts them from other poor decisions or inappropriate behavior. Schools can be the perfect venues for safe, healthy activities. These activities not only save teenagers from risky distractions but also enrich teens with experiences and opportunities that can launch them into their college and career lives.

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Sensory Activities for Children

Children are natural explorers, so providing them with experiences and activities that stimulate their senses will fascinate them. Remember that almost any interactive or hands-on sensory experience will have greater resonance than a cultural or educational video. Follow the philosophy of early childhood specialist Howard Gardner, who developed the theory of multiple intelligences, and orchestrate experiences geared toward the various types of learning: musical, visual, kinesthetic, linguistic, interpersonal, naturalistic, mathematical and intrapersonal.