2 mins read

Hair Regrowth Products With Guaranteed Results

Hair loss affects both men and women. Andogenetic alopecia, also known as pattern baldness or hereditary hair loss, makes up almost 95 percent of all cases of hair loss. Infomercials, print ads and Internet marketers offer topical serums, supplements and laser combs “guaranteed” to give you results. Take a second look at these hair regrowth products, and you’ll find that you have no assurance of their safety or efficacy, as defined by the FDA.

3 mins read

Hair Products to Help Growth & Stop Breakage

There aren’t any shortcuts when it comes to growing out your hair. Whether you’re growing out a short haircut or hoping for long, flowing locks, hair growth takes time. Proper care and the right products can help keep your hair healthy, maximize growth and reduce breakage to keep your hair at its best and reduce your frustrations during this process.

2 mins read

Products for Long Hair Growth

It may be easier to grow your hair out — particularly if you have plans to let it get really long — if you use products that reduce breakage, provide moisture, and maintain health. There is no magic pill that will speed up your hair’s growth, but some simple practices will help your hair look its best while working to achieve your goal.

3 mins read

Organic Products for Hair Growth

Although a number of products claim to help hair grow, most of them contain ingredients that you may not want to put on your head or have run down the drain. Several organic products are available that may help you regain lost hair or grow more hair. You can also try to make your own organic hair growth products.

2 mins read

Best Hair Growth Products

The average strand of hair grows at a rate of one-half an inch every month, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Usually, a piece of hair grows for up to six years before it enters a resting phase, and then falls out. Many times, a new strand of hair begins growing immediately to replace the one that was shed. Unfortunately, several factors–including age and genetics–interrupt the normal growth of hair, causing it to slow down or stop growing altogether. Several treatments are available to help your hair grow back or simply to grow it more quickly.