Products for Long Hair Growth
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Products for Long Hair Growth

It may be easier to grow your hair out — particularly if you have plans to let it get really long — if you use products that reduce breakage, provide moisture, and maintain health. There is no magic pill that will speed up your hair’s growth, but some simple practices will help your hair look its best while working to achieve your goal.

Dietary Supplements

A healthy diet is essential to good hair growth, and you may not be getting the vitamins or minerals you need to maximize the length of your locks. Adding a quality multivitamin to your diet can prevent nutritional deficiencies that slow hair growth. B-complex vitamin supplements and essential fatty acids from flaxseed oil or fish oil may help your hair to grow as quickly as possible, according to Additional vitamin B-6, beta-carotene and vitamin C can be also help.

Effects of Conditioners

Regular conditioning is essential as you grow out your hair to maintain hair health and prevent damage. Use a lightweight conditioner designed for your hair type after you shampoo or in between shampoos. Include a deep conditioner in your hair-care routine, opting for one that stays on your hair at least three to five minutes and includes rich emollient ingredients, like shea nut butter or avocado oil. Make time for deep conditioning treatments at least twice a month.

Affordable Oil Treatments

Oil treatments are an affordable way to add moisture to your hair, reduce dryness and prevent breakage. Purchase packaged hot oil treatments at the salon or drugstore, or use olive or coconut oil from your pantry. Warm oil in a bowl of hot water, then work through dry hair. Wrap in a hot towel or cover with a hood-style hair dryer, then wash away with shampoo and conditioner.

Brushes and Combs

Use a wide-toothed wooden or plastic comb to untangle your growing hair; combs with wide teeth do not break the hair. Choose a smooth or molded comb, taking the time to quickly sand away any rough areas on the comb before you use it. Opt for a boar bristle brush if your hair is not too thick — a wood pin brush is a safer option if you have very thick hair.

Use of Hair Accessories

Hair accessories are essential to smooth out those rough in-between lengths. Choose hair ties, bands and barrettes that won’t catch, pull or break your hair. Look for elastic band without metal and gentle barrettes. French-clip barrettes, rubber bands and anything that fastens with springs may break or pull out strands of hair. As your hair gets longer, try hair sticks or forks in place of clips or pins.

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