6 mins read

Tuning Into Your Mom Intuition

Women do have a sixth sense and it becomes extremely acute after a woman gives birth. From my twenty years of practice I have observed that most woman do not trust their intuition and spend too much time pushing it away rather than listening to it.

9 mins read

Ditch the Grinch and Deck the Halls

‘Tis the season! That’s what all the billboards, advertisements, and email subject lines are saying right about now, anyway.  But ‘tis the season for what, exactly? The obvious answers are “giving” and “gathering” and “getting out the sparkly decorations.” There are presents that need purchasing and cards that need crafting; there are parties that require…

4 mins read

10 Helpful Hints For Single Moms Who Start Dating

About a year ago, I made a decision regarding my single status - sort of by default. I asked a nice, smart, handsome guy friend from work to be a last minute date to a Great Gatsby Party. We had a good night and started to spend more time together during some evenings, after my…

6 mins read

Five Parenting Lessons I’ve Learned from “Law & Order”

I love the television show “Law & Order.” Every version. Every season. Every episode. I watched it continuously through both of my (never-ending) pregnancies to the point where I swear my newborn thinks the opening credit music is a lullaby. People (ahem, my mom and the hubby) get on my case, a lot, for watching…