1 min read

Hot Hair Trend: Messy Braids

Messy braids are the latest and hottest hair accessory – from Fishtail Braids to Side Braids to Classic Braids, you cant go wrong! It’s a great way to style your hair that looks casual and chic at the same time. Pro tip – use a salt beach spray for better handling while braiding. And of course, don’t be afraid to experiment! Here are a few of our favorites styles: Loose Side Braid

1 min read

Hot Summer Hair Trends: Bangs and Braids

Looking to change up your look? Check out two of the latest hot new hair trends! Hot Trend: Bangs Blunt bangs (also called fringe) are summers sultry look. Bangs that rest just above the top lashes are being worn by Katie Holmes and Jessica Biel. Depending on your face shape, bangs can be cut wide or narrow. Tip #1 Ask your stylist if they do complimentary bang trims in between cuts. Remember, longer is always better, because you can always go shorter. Tip #2

4 mins read

10 Hottest Hairstyles

Hot hairstyles are popular hair trends. Most have been around for years, but they keep coming back with new twists and variations. The hottest hairstyles are those that famous personalities wear and that customers often request at their hairstylist’s shop. Hottest hairstyles are all around you, including the celluloid screens and the magazines.

3 mins read

Hottest New Hairstyles

When a new type of hairstyle is in demand, it is hot. It becomes even hotter when top celebrities love it and when almost all your gal pals want to have it, too. If you are still wearing the same hairstyle you had in your junior year of college, try to style your hair in one of the latest, hottest hair trends.

2 mins read

Hot Styles for Hair

One of the quickest ways to dramatically update your look is to adopt a hot new hairstyle. Today’s hairstyles range from high-maintenance asymmetrical cuts to club-inspired colors, wash-and-go to red-carpet ready. Before settling on a new hairstyle, take into consideration the shape of your face, the amount of time you want to devote to styling it and the frequency you will want to get your new hairstyle trimmed.