3 mins read

How To Keep The Romance Alive: Don’t Skip The Sexercise!

As time goes by, romance often turns into pure friendship, especially in long-term relationships. But you can keep the romance alive – it’s not as impossible as it may seem. Just remember that your relationship needs constant maintenance (yes, it does require work, just like your paycheck or your abs).

6 mins read

Rainbow Rabbit: Inspiring Empathy and Acceptance in Children

Rainbow Rabbit is a cute, cuddly, fictional character, whose story of empathy, acceptance and overcoming odds has won him widespread admiration and affection of children and adults all across the globe. The book, written by my grandfather, has empowered children, adults and educators across the country (and beyond) to stay true to themselves and embrace their uniqueness, despite many obstacles that can remain in our path. The book has also launched a popular school program available from grades Pre-K through Third Grade.