2 mins read

How Do I Lose Weight Without Losing My Boobs?

Breasts are made of milk glands, called lobules, milk ducts and fatty tissue. This fatty tissue increases as overall body fat increases, and it decreases when body fat is lost. There is no such thing as spot fat loss, so when you shed those extra pounds you will likely lose fat from your breasts as well. There is not much you can do to prevent loss of breast size as you lose weight, but there are some techniques that can help keep them looking perky.

3 mins read

Natural Breast Enlargement Exercises

When it comes to breast size, many women suffer some version of the Goldilocks Syndrome. Their breasts are either too big or too small, but rarely are they ever just the right size. If you err on the side of being too small, perk up. Exercises targeted to developing your chest muscles can make your breasts look larger. Though you might have heard that exercising decreases your chest size, strong pectoral muscles will give you bigger, firmer breasts with lift.

2 mins read

Exercises for Enlarging Breasts

If you have smaller breasts, you may want to try just about anything to make them bigger. Breasts are made from fatty tissue, so there’s not much that you can do to increase your breast size significantly, short of gaining weight or getting pregnant. However, through working your chest muscles, you can make your breasts appear perkier and bigger.

2 mins read

How to Tone and Shape Breasts

Your breasts are not like your arms. They cannot be toned, lifted or easily made bigger or smaller. Basically, when it comes to breast size and shape, you’re stuck with what you have. Breasts aren’t made of muscles—they consist of milk-producing glands, fat and connective tissues that are at the mercy of gravity. You’ve probably experienced sagging, drooping breasts after pregnancy, if you have large breasts or if your breasts are prone to excessive movement. You can’t change your breasts, but you can keep them in shape and give your bust a better appearance by exercising and tightening the surrounding chest muscles. Exercising your pectorals and doing yoga will help keep you in shape, but it won’t give make your breasts look like you’ve just had plastic surgery.