Search Results for: logistics
Finding A (Last Minute) Summer Camp
Time to slap your forehead – Memorial Day has come and gone, summer is here, and you still haven’t made plans for your kids. You’re not a bad mom. Or dad. It’s surprisingly hard, especially for working parents, to plan a kid-centric summer, when the primary factors aren’t “fun,” but staying within budget, while also…
8 Things That Happen When You Have Three Kids
I confess. I might be in over my head. Anyone with kids has their hands full, but for me, having three kids is a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. I love each of my kids dearly, but the three of them together can be more than I can handle at times. They push…
Every Sport Under the Sun: Keeping it Organized
Between baseball, football, tennis, and basketball, my son needs his own social secretary just to run his extracurricular activities. Sadly, thats me! And although my daughter only plays tennis and basketball, she too has her share of uniforms, practice outfits, sneakers and gear. Whats the best way to organize all this equipment, not to mention the logistics? Here are my tips to help you through every sporting season under the sun:
The Working Mom’s Ultimate Childcare Provider Rulebook
When I first returned to work after maternity leave, I wasn’t sure which was scarier: returning to work or worrying about the caregiver for my child while I was at work. My working mommy friends and I have more than our fair share of war stories - - from nannies who never showed up for…
How To Deal With Kids’ Curfew
I have three teenagers ages 18 and under. Like many teens, independence is their currency, a badge of honor, proof they're on their way to adulthood. Two of my children are teen drivers, one is a teen driver-in-training. All three have social lives that rival Michelle Obama's schedule -- there is always something absolutely unmissable…