4 mins read

When Snow Days Seem Like Evil Plots To Ruin Your Sanity…

Only a few weeks into 2014, East Coast moms have had a few too many snow days already. Isn’t it funny how snow days change based on your kids ages?My friends with children under 12 dread snow days and take them as personal affronts.Last Tuesday morning, with every school in Washington closed before a single snowflake fell, my phone and Facebook were burning up with messages from moms of young kids. Nooooooo …

11 mins read

April Astrology

What a charged up month it is, this April, with several planets in the impulsive do or die sign of pioneer Aries. Coming off of the intense full moon of last week, with the fertility rites of spring just behind us, symbolized by “Eostre” the Teutonic goddess of fertility whose totem was the rabbit.