5 mins read

Process of a Surrogate Pregnancy

The process of surrogate pregnancy is complicated. The application process is extensive, getting matched with potential parents can be stressful and carrying a baby to term only to turn it over to the new parents can be emotional. Specific laws vary from state to state, but the general process is the same regardless of your location. Understanding what is involved with surrogate pregnancy will allow you to make an informed decision regarding surrogate pregnancy in your life.

2 mins read

How to Prepare Your Child for Medical Procedures

The fear of the unknown is often cause for anxiety with an upcoming medical procedure. Whether your child is a baby or a teen, she might express fear or anxiety if she needs medical care beyond a basic doctor’s visit. Preparation for surgeries, testing or other medical procedures helps your child cope with the situation. Giving her information about what will happen gives her a chance to process it and ask any questions for a less stressful procedure.

3 mins read

Auditory Processing Problems in Children

As kids learn about the world around them, they acquire much information through auditory means. Each time they hear you say a word or listen to you respond to a childish query, they add the piece of information to their memory banks. Children with auditory processing disorder, however, struggle to do this. While these children possess the power of hearing, they struggle to comprehend what they say. As KidsHealth reports, this challenge impacts 5 percent of all school-aged children. If you think that your child may be one of them, consider the symptoms and difficulties associated with this struggle.

4 mins read

Process of Umbilical Cord Blood Donation

According to the Charity Guide website, umbilical cord blood donations can help treat a wide variety of serious medical conditions, including leukemia, sickle cell disease and cancers, such as lymphoma and brain cancer. Donating the umbilical cord blood of your newborn baby is painless, costs nothing and provides physicians a way to help more than 75 percent of severely ill patients who cannot be matched with a family member who has matching stem cells. The only thing required for a successful umbilical cord blood donation is planning.

5 mins read

Conscious Love: Embracing My True Self and Guiding Parents on Supporting Transgender Children

My journey to self-realization and identity affirmation has been a path illuminated by conscious love – first coming out as a lesbian at age 14, and then as transgender at age 49. These milestones in my life weren't just about revealing who I am but also about the profound understanding and acceptance I sought, particularly…