3 mins read

How Does Mercury Affect People?

Although mercury has been a well-known toxin for decades, it is only recently that studies have revealed the damaging effect mercury exposure can have on the brains and nervous systems of developing children. Knowing how to decrease your exposure to mercury during pregnancy is essential to preventing lasting neurological damage in your child.

2 mins read

How to Help Young Kids Lose Weight

Overweight children can suffer from physical and emotional issues, according to MayoClinic.com. Children who are overweight have an increased chance of becoming heavy adults. This leads to many weight-related risk factors, such as heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and diabetes. While children cannot go on strict diets, as they are still growing, there are things that you can do to encourage a young child to lose weight. Exercise and healthy eating are key components to childhood weight loss.

7 mins read

The Link Between Endometriosis And Infertility

My need for support and companionship during my struggle with infertility and endometriosis led me to join the online patient community and through my involvement in this community, I have met the strongest, most inspiring women.Some of them have since become my closest friends and confidants. A good many of them started struggling with infertility in their 20s. Years passed as they tried many treatments and suffered miscarriages. Some of them did receive …