3 mins read

How Weight Gain Occurs With Pregnancy

Weight gain is a natural part of pregnancy. Your growing belly accommodates your baby, but your weight also increases with other fluids and body changes. The increased numbers on the scale causes anxiety in some pregnant women. As long as you eat a healthy diet and stay within the recommended weight gain ranges, remember that the weight is necessary for your baby’s healthy development.

2 mins read

Health Risks for Teen Pregnancy

If you’re a teenager or have a teenage daughter, you may be coming to grips with an unexpected statistic: According to Kids Health, over one million teenage girls give birth each year in the United States. While most teens carry their babies to full term without problems, the Mayo Clinic website notes certain health risks that are more prevalent in teen pregnancy and even higher for teens under the age of 15. If you have or are a teen who thinks she might be pregnant, she must receive prenatal care as soon as possible to have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

3 mins read

Healthy Baby Sleep Habits

Almost as soon as your baby is born, it can seem as though everyone around you is badgering about how much your baby is sleeping and how much sleep you’re getting as a result. Babies need a lot of sleep — as much as 16 hours a day — but it occurs in short bursts. This can disrupt your own sleep, but you can help your baby to develop good sleeping habits.