3 mins read

7 Bizarre Teen Activities You Need to Know About

As if parents didn’t have enough to worry about already… In addition to sensationalizing celebrities, natural disasters and philandering politicians, news outlets always make a point to intensify the fear of every parents’ never-ending checklist of concerns and paranoia: that their teenage son or daughter is not only sexting and getting drunk on weekends–they are now sneaking off with their iPhones and Blackberrys to “I-dose” on digital sound drugs that make them feel like they are getting high! Seriously? What other bizarre teenage rituals and activities have parents had to worry about in recent years?

2 mins read

Foods to Avoid for Acne

Acne is the chronic appearance of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or other plugged or infected oil glands, most often occurring on the face. Although food has long been named a culprit of acne, the Mayo Clinic maintains that it is not likely the main cause. Plugged hair follicles are the cause. However, depending on the individual, some foods may irritate acne conditions already present on your face or body.