3 mins read

Roasted Potatoes With Homemade BBQ Sauce

Winter is the perfect time of year to celebrate roasted root vegetables! The aromas wafting from the oven, and the warmth it gives off in your home is enough to make you smile and feel cozy inside. The joy you receive from cooking has a lot to do with your outlook.As often as possible, take a moment to see cooking as a meditative, giving practice and not so much a chore. Life is all …

2 mins read

Pregnancy Depression Signs

Every woman knows that with pregnancy comes change. Since these changes are understood as common, it is easy to overlook signs of depression during pregnancy. “It’s just the hormones,” you think as you weep your way through another day. You may be right, it may just be hormones. However, if those hormones have had you feeling signs of depression for two weeks or longer, you may have a larger problem on your hands.

2 mins read

Themed Dinner Party Menu Ideas

Planning a dinner party is nearly always stressful, from the guest list to the menu. Choosing a theme for your dinner party menu can make the cooking and decorating easier and more fun for both you and your guests. Try planning an evening in Rome, a dinner visit to the Parthenon, a Mexican fiesta or a harvest celebration. Choose a dinner party theme that works with foods in season, and be sure that you are comfortable and familiar with the flavors, even if a specific recipe is new.