3 mins read

Good Personal Hygiene Habits for Preteens

As your child enters her preteen years, a brand new flood of hormones cause physical changes, as well as a whole new set of problems — body odor, oily hair and acne, to name a few. Good personal hygiene is essential for the tween who’s socially engaged and self-assured. Personal hygiene isn’t simply about cleanliness or physical attractiveness; the tween who makes it a habit to bathe every day and use antiperspirant shows consideration for others who share the same space.

4 mins read

Family Daycare Compared to Center-Based Care

Finding the right childcare arrangement for your family can be a tough task. Both family daycare and center-based daycare are popular childcare choices, but each has its pros and cons. In addition to considering your family’s priorities, needs and budget, your child’s temperament must also be a factor when choosing a childcare arrangement.