Search Results for: physique
What A Wabi-Sabi Body Is And Why You Want It
What is a Wabi-Sabi Body? If you choose to scroll through Instagram (#workout), you will be bombarded with “perfect” physiques, six-pack ab challenges, impossible-looking exercises, and you may end up feeling less motivated and more self-critical. Last week I was zooming with a new personal training client, and when I asked her to tell me about her fitness goals, she quickly listed off all the things she “hates” about her body. I’ve heard so many women speak harshly about their body; clients, friends, family, and I’m sad to include myself. Self-improvement, working towards a fitness goal, eating healthier, these are things I passionately believe in and encourage.
10 Things Happy Moms Do Differently
“Today’s feminism isn’t about women doing it all. It’s about women NOT having to do it all.” -Gloria SteinemI began buying into the myth of “doing it all” at an early age. In my 20s, I had my checklist life in mind: start a lucrative career right after college, meet someone and fall in love, get married by age 30, get my career to a successful enough point that I could …
Tips to Taming Springtime Food Flings
The Valentines are still gobbling up the last of their sweet treats. Cmon Mommies, who can’t resist those yummy chocolate marshmallow hearts? Even I can admit that!
Get A Holiday Workout With These Easter Egg Exercise Moves
Worried about what all that chocolate and candy the Easter bunny brings might do to your waistline? Don’t fret! You can stay healthy and happy through the holiday season with some fun and festive fitness ideas.
Mom’s New Year’s Resolutions
My New Years resolutions all have to do with motherhood.? Regrettably, before I can write one sentence, the topic gets dicey. Guilt, self-defensiveness, even panic, rise up like tidal waves.