5 mins read

Life and Lifeguards

The surreal aspect of getting divorced after 20 years of marriage, during which time you were working frantically and raising three kids maniacally, is that your daily routines stay the same, but just about every second of every day feels strangely new and bizarrely unpredictable. Most days, I feel like a blind woman who has had experimental surgery that successfully restored my sight. I live the exact same life in the exact same world. But …

4 mins read

The New Technology Police

unny, I thought parents and teachers were supposed to keep an eye on our kids.Yet there is a technology company whose mission is to sell schools daily monitoring reports of students’ social media chats. For a fee, the company, Geo Listening, tracks students social media posts. Schools then receive daily reports sorted into the following categories: cyber bullying, despair, hate, crime, vandalism, truancy, and substance abuse.Why? We adults are failing in our efforts …

3 mins read

Ways to Save on Your Energy Bill

Utility bills add up to an average of $1,900 for most families in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Lowering your utility bills gives you more money in the budget for other expenses while benefiting the environment by conserving fossil fuels. Some energy-reducing strategies are simple to begin immediately, while others take some time and upfront investment.