3 mins read

Toddler Developmental Milestones

When a baby starts to walk, he unofficially becomes a toddler. When most people speak of toddlerhood, they are referring to children between 1 and 3 years of age. Toddlers often make major changes, especially in regards to locomotion, thinking and talking. One-year-olds master walking and mobility, while 2-year-olds work on expanding their vocabulary. Toddlers learn to master their bodies and progress from walking to climbing and running. They learn names of body parts and are constantly refining their fine- and gross-motor skills. They become more independent and imitative. Children reach milestones based on their own timetables, but there are averages of when to expect new developments.

3 mins read

Should I Earn a College Degree

So you’re thinking of adding a new or different college degree. Bottom line: Only you can decide. Like it or not, costs will play a big factor in your decision. Ultimately, dreaming and finding happiness are paramount The “intangibles” of advancing educationally are huge. The farther you go, the more prestige and status you enjoy,…