5 mins read

CocoaVia Chocolate Mousse

If youve got picky kids like one of Tammys daughters, you likely want to squeeze nutrients in wherever you can. Pureeing vegetables into soups and into mac and cheese works magic, and surprisingly you even can get extra nutrients in at dessert time. For example, lets start with something that most kids love, chocolate. By knowing just a few things about chocolate you can ensure that the whole family reaps the most …

5 mins read

Homemade Fruity Greek Yogurt

The following recipe was originally published on RebelGrain.com.Visit the website for more great ideas and cooking tips!One thing that drives me absolutely crazy is flavored yogurt. Why? Because its junk masquerading as healthy for us.Yes, I said it: JUNK because flavored yogurt is filled with sugar and other nonsense we have no need of. Im not totally against sugar, butI like to keep it in its …

2 mins read

How to Detox Before Pregnancy

Your body has an excellent set of systems in place for ridding your body of toxins and waste. Part of good health is maintaining these systems so they work as efficiently as possible. Commercial detox programs aren’t proven by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as effective, and some are downright dangerous. The safest way to cleanse and prepare your body for pregnancy is to practice a healthy lifestyle that you can continue into your pregnancy.

2 mins read

Best Natural Products for Hair Growth

While commercial hair care products may contain a variety of chemically based substances that can enhance your hair growth, natural ingredients can also improve the condition of your hair. The rate of your hair growth depends on a variety of factors, including heredity and overall health. Although hair products may not make your hair follicles produce hair at a faster rate, they can improve the texture and condition of your hair, help to protect it from breakage and help it to grow longer and stronger.

4 mins read

What Is Recommended for Reducing Dietary Cholesterol?

While you can’t control the cholesterol your body naturally produces, you can control the amount of cholesterol you add to your body by the foods you eat. Not all cholesterol is bad for you. HDL, or good cholesterol, is like “the garbage truck of the bloodstream,” because it carries cholesterol away from your arteries and back to the liver for disposal, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Bad cholesterol, or LDL, carries cholesterol from the liver to the rest of your body. Too much of it creates plaque, which clogs the arteries and limits blood flow. When the plaque breaks apart, you can suffer a heart attack or a stroke.