7 mins read

Night Frights: 10 Ways to Help Kids With Nightmares

What do you do when your little one has scary dreams? There are two issues to examine when trying to help a child who’s suffering from nightmares: What to do during the nightmare, or just after the child awakens from one What to do in the child’s daily life, before and after sleeptime, to help keep the bad dreams away. Another way to say this is: there’s crisis management and then there’s crisis prevention. First, let’s talk about how to manage a child’s nightmare in the moment. 1. First, what NOT to do.

3 mins read

Natural Treatment for Social Anxiety in Kids

Social anxiety can be mild or severe, but it makes childhood and adolescence more difficult, preventing kids from developing into confident, connected adults. While psychiatric medications are one option, natural or non-drug therapies can also treat social anxiety and social phobia. Non-medical treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, biofeedback and relaxation techniques. Help your child or teen learn to cope with social anxiety, reduce stress and thrive.

2 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sex Drive

Sometimes, romance takes a back seat to everything else. Sexual interest, also known as libido, tends to wax and wane throughout life. Certain situations and conditions, including relationship issues, fatigue, medications and medical diseases, can contribute to fluctuating sex drives in both men and women. Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or menopause may also alter your sexual appetite. If low libido causes distress for you or your romantic partner, natural remedies may increase your sexual interest and help put you back in the mood for sex.