3 mins read

School Shootings and Why Boys Need Boys

Amidst the shock, horror, grief, and fury over school shootings, we all look for the cause of the violence, and the solution to stopping the next attack. Some reason we need more guns — armed schoolteachers and guards. Others argue for fewer guns, regulated by stricter legislation. Mental health professionals maintain that we need better treatment and medication of troubled kids. Others blame allegedly reckless antidepressant overmedication by mental health professionals. The ferocious debate overlooks one …

6 mins read

All About Egg Donation: Q&A With A Fertility Expert

In the past three years, my husband and I have suffered four miscarriages. We’ve also had 28 embryos genetically tested, only to find out that they were not viable. Why? Because I have a translocation, a genetic mutation which causes the vast majority of my eggs to be genetically unsound.This means that if my husband and I want to expand our family, the only options we have left are egg donation,embryo donation and adoption

7 mins read

Teach Your Child to Say NO!

My child said NO to his counselor! What would your child do? When we were young, our parents sent us off to school and camp with statements such as: Be a good listener. Mind your manners. Do what your counselor tells you to do. A tough teacher is a good teacher. I cant even imagine saying blanket statements like this to my 10 year old today. In fact, almost the opposite is said at our house.