3 mins read

Recovery Time from a Lifestyle Face-Lift

In past decades, women had to come to terms with their sagging skin. Modern moms can fight back against the aging process through cosmetic surgery. Many women, who feel that their face is no longer a reflection of their youthful attitude, opt for a face-lift. While a face-lift, like all cosmetic surgery procedures, is a serious medical procedure with real risks, many feel that the results are well worth it. If you plan to get a face-lift, carefully plan your procedure to ensure that you allow adequate healing time prior to heading out and showing off your revitalized face.

4 mins read

Attention Singles!

I had a client that I admire so much for her strength and passion to tackle some issues in her life. Like many single women, either by circumstance or divorce, she was frustrated with her inability to meet the right one. She had perfected the other areas of her life, such as her career and circle of friends. She was extremely focused on her work, and because of it, she climbed the corporate ladder and was doing very well. Sometimes when someone comes to me seeking help in meeting someone, I give them opposite the advice they are expecting.

7 mins read

How To Network at Conferences

I don’t really enjoy attending large industry conferences when I don’t know anyone. Is it just me, or does the idea of trying to meet new people at a crowded, loud trade event make you want to run for the hills? Small talk doesn’t come easy for most people and talking about the weather only…