7 mins read

Should you disclose autism specifics?

I found this article recently: “To disclose or not to disclose; that's the question many parents whose children have autism wrestle with every time they set foot in a public place. Is it better to be upfront about your kid's disorder to bemused strangers, or to keep your private business private? It's an internal debate that's…

3 mins read

Foods Nursing Mothers Should Avoid

During pregnancy, there are several foods you should avoid, but the list becomes shorter once you give birth and begin breastfeeding. Most foods are fine for nursing mothers to eat. There are some exceptions that apply to all nursing moms. Other exceptions apply only to a handful of mothers based on their specific situations and babies.

3 mins read

Signs of a Stressed Baby in the Womb

While most babies develop without any problems, some infants experience stress prior to birth. Situations that compromise your baby’s blood and oxygen supply can occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Certain symptoms, such as a decrease in fetal movements, may alert you to the possibility that your baby is in distress. Notify your doctor if you have any concerns regarding the health and development of your unborn baby.