5 mins read

The Tragedy of the Discontinued Shorts

Dear Person At Lands End Who Decides Which Items to Discontinue, Im going to keep this friendly, because Im hoping that youll help me out here. Im sure that you have really great kids. The kind of kids who are adorable and polite and look like they stepped out of well, a Lands End catalogue. (I was totally going to say a J. Crew catalogue but then I was all, duh!)

1 min read

But I Don’t Wanna Mama! Why Telling the Truth Benefits You

Do you ever lie to your kids because it seems easier? Do you agree with friends to avoid offending them? How about leaving things out of the conversation ON PURPOSE? Is that still considered lying, anyway? These acts are harming you, but do you know why? This article explains why telling the truth actually benefits you, even though Mama would do anything to avoid a tantrum!

2 mins read

Long-Term Effects of Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are one of the most effective, accessible and popular contraceptive choices. Many women begin using birth control pills as a teen or a young woman and may continue them for a number of years, sometimes through menopause. Fortunately, oral contraceptives, particularly modern low-dose pills, are quite safe, but you should be aware of their long-term effects.

3 mins read

Infected Pierced Ears in Children

While earrings can make your little girls’ ear lobes more beautiful, if they are untended to, these piercings can become a source of infection. To ensure that your child’s earrings remain a thing of beauty, and not a source of pain, check her ears for infection regularly. If your child is old enough to monitor her own ear health, allow her to play a part by teaching her both how to spot, and how to avoid, ear piercing-related infections.

2 mins read

Fertility Drug Side Effects

Advances in medicine have allowed many infertile couples to become parents. Unfortunately, the fertility drugs that women take to stimulate ovulation sometimes come with side effects. When you know about the side effects ahead of time, you can take action to prevent them from occurring or to minimize the effects.