But I Don’t Wanna Mama! Why Telling the Truth Benefits You
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But I Don’t Wanna Mama! Why Telling the Truth Benefits You

Do you ever lie to your kids because it seems easier? Do you agree with friends to avoid offending them? How about leaving things out of the conversation ON PURPOSE? Is that still considered lying, anyway? These acts are harming you, but do you know why? This article explains why telling the truth actually benefits you, even though Mama would do anything to avoid a tantrum!

The importance of telling the truth is something I’ve been reading over and over again from different sources. The repetitiveness of this message feels synchronistic. I can no longer ignore it.

I consider myself a pretty honest person. I don’t like to lie. Just the word lie makes my stomach uneasy, which is how I know its powerful effect on me. I really appreciate when friends, family, and the people in my life are completely honest with me, and I know exactly where they stand. I would choose honesty in my relationships any day over agreeing. Yet, I myself am not always completely honest.

My dishonesty comes in the form of little untruths. In the state of consciousness I strive to live in I notice lies of any kind do have a negative impact on me. Elena Brower, celebrity yoga instructor and someone I consider a mentor from afar teaches us that being dishonest is honoring fear, this includes purposefully leaving information out (*that’s a big one, Mama!). Honoring fear is not how I want to live my life; instead I choose to honor love. Therefore, I must discontinue speaking anything that is not completely true and authentic.

Sadly, most of the untruths I tell are to my kids.

“No, we don’t have any more of ‘those’ left.” <– Big Ol’ lie! The truth is I don’t want to give them to you and want to avoid a tantrum.

Instead, the honorable thing to do and to set a good example is to be honest and explain to them why they can’t have something and accept whatever reaction they might have, while being patient of course, and coming from a place of love. Sounds hard! Worth it? I think so.

Another lie I often tell my son is that we’re late and if he doesn’t hurry he is going to miss the beginning part of play time at school. The truth is we are usually not late yet… I’m trying to urge him to get his butt in gear, put his shoes on AND his coat.

My point is I don’t want anything that comes out of my mouth to be a lie. This, at least to start, is going to be verrry difficult! A case of much easier said than done. Isn’t all the good stuff?

Through some reflection I’ve realized that a lot of the time I lie it’s because it seems easier. Easier to tell my kids we don’t have something, than to give an explanation. Easier to agree with a friend, than to find the words to speak authentically without offending them. The thing is, if you always tell the truth the people you love will know they can count on you for honesty. Isn’t that what we all want? Honesty is a great virtue to have in any relationship. I want those I love, and peeps in general to know I’m coming from a place of truth out of love and respect.

“If we don’t stay honest, to our best awareness, it hurts everyone: us individually, because it collapses our energy and clarity, and others because we fail to give them the benefit of our truth and positive influence.”   ~ James Redfield

Speaking the truth means living authentically, aligning with your soul and living your best life.


Share with me – Do you ever catch yourself telling white lies?

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