2 mins read

Toned Calf & Thighs Exercises at Home for Women

Your calves and thighs power nearly all your movements throughout your day, but you don’t need a gym membership or pricey weight machines to tone your legs. MayoClinic.com recommends performing one set of up to 12 repetitions for optimal strength gains. When you can perform 12 repetitions easily while maintaining proper form, increase the resistance with weight or by holding the exercises for longer.

3 mins read

Tips to Maintain a Toned Body During Pregnancy

Being pregnant does not give you license to stop working out or watching what you eat. In fact, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists highly recommends getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day. Maintaining a toned body through exercise and diet during pregnancy helps to keep it limber, ensures appropriate weight gain and prepares it for labor and delivery. Furthermore, staying fit can reduce general body aches and relieve stress.

3 mins read

What Are Some Ways to Develop Strong Muscles?

Having children is one way to develop strong muscles: after you’ve hauled baby, car seat and diaper bag around every day for a few weeks, you’ll notice stronger arms. And that’s the key to developing strong muscles at any point in life; no, not having children, but using your muscles consistently and in a way that challenges them, so that they stretch and grow in order to be able to perform what you ask of them.

3 mins read

Why Your Man Should Eat Less Meat & More Veggies

Youve heard it over and over again Real Men Eat Meat! Now you might be asking yourself what does this have to do with us Modern Moms? Well, as moms, we want our kids fathers to be healthy, right? And how about having enough energy left over at the end of the day to spend quality (think sex) time with you, too! Besides, as moms, girlfriends and wives, we want to have sleek toned muscles too, right? Believe me girls — those Skinny Bitches were on to something!

2 mins read

Yoga for Pregnant Mothers

Prenatal yoga is an exercise option for pregnant women that is growing in popularity. Staying active during pregnancy helps boost your energy levels and may even relieve some of the aches and pains you feel. For those who already practice yoga, prenatal yoga is a natural continuation of that practice. Those new to yoga can also benefit from the activity.