Search Results for: viewpoints
Mastering Family Dynamics: 14 Ways to Make Your Family Holiday Stress-Free
Discover expert tips and strategies for navigating the complexities of family dynamics during holiday gatherings. Learn how to communicate effectively, set realistic expectations, and practice self-care to ensure a harmonious and stress-free celebration.
The Joy Of Parenting Differently
Do you have anyone who has touched your life as a parent – whom you’ve never even met? Nine years ago, after writing Mommy Wars and struggling to find my way as a new mom of three kids, I started writing a daily online parenting blog for “On Balance” became a surprise hit among moms,…
Anybody’s Miracle [Book Review]
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing author Laura Hercher, after reading her book, Anybodys Miracle. Laura is a genetic counselor and instructor at Sarah Lawrence College Joan H. Marks Human Genetics Program. Anybodys Miracle is a great read for anyone that has experienced infertility and sought treatment for it or anyone interested in learning more about the many different ways families are built. It is a fictional story that follows multiple …
How Six Has Blossomed: Interview with Jenna von Oy
Jenna von Oy doesnt talk fast any more, as her character Six from the hit 1990s television show Blossom was once famous for. There is nothing fast-paced about her life in Nashville these days. How can you move fast when you have a little baby attached to your hip 24 hours a day?
Why It’s Good to Argue With Your Teenager
Does your child seem to bust out the debate skills of a young Aristotle during battles over things like curfew or homework? While the constant arguing can be enough to drive a parent crazy, there may be a silver lining. A new study from the University of Virginia (UVA) has shown that if a young teen can argue effectively with his or her parents they are more likely to resist peer pressure to use drugs or alcohol later in adolescence.