3 mins read

The Best Makeup Concealer for Melasma

When you’re pregnant, your baby gets his nutrition from you and his blood from you and, in some cases, he’s gets his cuteness from you too. But along with your little bundle of joy can come a skin condition called melasma. Melasma is common during pregnancy and causes patches of brown or gray-brown skin on the cheeks, chin, nose, forehead, and upper lip. It can also be caused by medications, sun exposure, or other factors. If you are comfortable with your new skin, kudos! There are medical options to face the darkness, but otherwise, you can choose to cover the spots with makeup. Whatever your choices, here is a little cursory information to start your research!

2 mins read

Spring Makeup: In Full Bloom

This season, color is in full bloom… Just like a beautiful Spring garden, there are a variety of colors to pick: Plums, organic greens, earthy browns, exotic golds and bronzes, lavender, lilac, shades of dark and light blue, coral and even yellow! All these colors will help create a pallet that is fresh, soft and pretty for your Spring look.

2 mins read

Tips to Liven Up Tired Eyes

Simple is sexy when it comes to makeup, even when you’re trying to camouflage tired-looking eyes. Avoid heavy eye makeup applications when you need to lift your eyes. The last thing tired eyes need is something to weigh them down. Here are some tips to liven up those tired eyes. (1) Brighten Eyes with White Shadow A small amount of pearl shadow or white eyeliner can brighten up your eyes.