Puffy Eye Solutions
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Puffy Eye Solutions

Your eyes are often the first thing people notice when they look at you. Puffy eyes can make you appear tired or ill. Various conditions and activities can cause the tissues of your upper and lower eyelids to swell and appear puffy. Lifestyle changes, home remedies and medical treatments may help reduce the swelling.

Puffy Eyes

Puffy eyes, often called baggy eyes, appear for a number of reasons. As you get older, the muscles and tissues surrounding your eyes can weaken and lose its elasticity. Normal fat that helps to support your eyes may migrate into the lower eyelids, making them puffy. Fluid can also accumulate in these tissues and make your eyes appear swollen. Many solutions can help you avoid problems and may provide temporary relief of eye puffiness.


Heredity can increase your odds of developing puffy eyes. Situations that encourage fluid to collect around your eyes include a lack of sleep, sleeping on your back, changes in the weather, fluctuating hormones and eating salty foods. Eliminating the cause of your puffiness can help resolve the symptoms.

Home Remedies

Occasional eye puffiness is seldom a reason for concern. Making some simple changes may be all it takes to help your eyes look and feel better. Make sure you get an adequate amount of sleep. MayoClinic.com recommends that adults get between seven and eight hours of sleep every night. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated can help keep fluids from accumulating around your eyes in the night. Reduce early-morning swelling by wetting a washcloth with cool water and holding it against your eyelids. Apply mild pressure for a few minutes to encourage the fluids to drain out of the tissues. Cosmopolitan recommends limiting your salt intake by keeping your sodium consumption below 2,300 mg each day.


Over-the-counter products and cosmetic preparations can help reduce your eye swelling and puffiness. Look for firming eye creams that contain caffeine. Caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor that helps dispel fluid from the delicate tissues around your eyes.

Medical Treatment

Allergies can cause your eyes to swell in response to pollens, smoke, dust, soaps, cosmetics and lotions. Your doctor can test for allergies and prescribe medications to reduce your symptoms. Professional skin treatments such as chemical peels and laser resurfacing may help lessen the appearance of swelling. Blepharoplasy is a type of eyelid surgery that can remove excess fat and sagging skin, creating a more taut appearance.

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