Scientists Discover HIV/AIDS “Cure”?
1 min read

Scientists Discover HIV/AIDS “Cure”?

An American man is HIV-free more than three years after receiving a stem cell transplant. German doctors believe this is the first cureto be discovered for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

"Our results strongly suggest that the cure of HIV has been achieved in this patient," said the study in the peer-reviewed journal Blood, a publication of the American Society of Haematology.

The highly risky technique worked for the man known as the "Berlin Patient" but scientists believe this type of procedure would not necessarily work for a majority of the 33 million people worldwide with HIV/AIDS.

But, there’s no denying that progress in the fight against AIDS has been made.

And, that’s not all. Recently, Time reported a trial in which HIV-negative, but high risk, gay men lowered their risk of contracting the virus by 77% when taking an antiretroviral pill called Truvada. Antiretroviral drugs are also taken by HIV-positive patients to thwart the virus.

We have faith that modern science will be able to discover a cure for this deadly disease.

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