2 mins read

Bathroom Design Tips

The bathroom might not be your favorite room in the house, but it gets a lot of use on a daily basis. Whether you are remodeling or designing your home from scratch, designing a functional bathroom that reflects your style makes it a useful and inviting room. Keep your budget in mind throughout the design process to keep the project on track financially.

1 min read

How to Prepare a Diabetes Travel Pack

Traveling with diabetes requires more preparation due to the special medical situation. A diabetes travel pack ensures you have all of the necessary diabetic supplies to address any medical issues that occur while you are away from home. The length of the trip affects the amount of supplies you should pack in the kit. Even short trips warrant the addition of a diabetes travel kit. Packing too many supplies is a much better situation than being caught short.

2 mins read

Ways to Go Green for Children

Green activities teach children to conserve the planet and its resources for themselves and future generations. Helping kids go green shows them that they can make an impact, even as a child. Green habits formed at an early age are more likely to be continued into adulthood. The specific age of the child influences the types of green lifestyle changes that will work the best.

2 mins read

Home Window Cleaning Tips

Streaks and smudges stand out on a home window, making it difficult to ignore the chore. Families with small children face even more smudges and tiny hand prints on low windows and sliding glass doors. Regular window cleaning keeps the glass looking better, giving you the satisfaction of being able to see out of your sparkling, clear windows.

2 mins read

Childhood Pneumonia Symptoms

Pneumonia results from bacteria or viruses getting into the lungs and multiplying. The illness typically starts as a cold or similar respiratory infection and progresses into pneumonia. Many pneumonia symptoms overlap with other illnesses, sometimes making it difficult to identify for parents. If your child exhibits only one or two of the symptoms, he might not have pneumonia. Several simultaneous symptoms are a more likely indicator of the illness.