3 mins read

Juvenile Diabetes in Children

If your doctor diagnoses your child with juvenile diabetes, remember that it is not a death sentence. Although there is no cure, research has made large strides in the treatment and management of this disease. With your help and the proper medication, a heart-healthy diet and consistent physical activity, your child can lead a long and normal life.

3 mins read

Top 10 Fun Jobs for Women

Once relegated to the home, women have left their mark on the modern workplace. With equal opportunities now in place, women are able to choose whatever professional path they desire. If a 9 to 5 office job isn’t your style, consider some of the fun and profitable professions available that are a little off the beaten path.

3 mins read

Kitchen Cleaning Items

As the heart of the home, your kitchen deserves tender loving care when cleaning. Give your kitchen a daily once-over and then a deep clean at least once per week. Plenty of commercial cleaning products are available as well as common household items you can use to keep your kitchen spotless and ready for the next family dinner.

3 mins read

Fun Science Experiments With Kids

Children love to learn new things, particularly when the learning takes place through hands-on exercises. Use ordinary household objects or elements of nature to teach your child about the many different facets of science. Make sure that he is properly supervised when performing science experiments that could cause injury, and he will be well on his way to a blue ribbon at his next school science fair.

3 mins read

Top 10 Ideas for Starting a Business From Home for Moms

Leave the office politics behind and stay home with your small children by starting a home-based business. Juggling children and a business during the day comes with its own set of challenges, but the potential rewards make it worthwhile. Assess your skills set, financial situation and time constraints before digging in to give your new business the best possible chance of success.