2 mins read

Side Effects of C-Sections

In a cesarean section, or C-section, doctors surgically remove the baby from the mother’s uterus rather than delivering vaginally. Most doctors view it as a safe procedure, but there are risks and side effects associated with it. You should learn what’s normal and what might require a trip to the hospital.

2 mins read

Holistic Ways to Get Pregnant

If you’re having a difficult time conceiving, your doctor may initially suggest turning to Western infertility solutions, like medicine and in vitro fertilization. These aren’t your only alternative. You can use holistic methods to aid in conception as well. When combined with some of the Western alternatives, you may be able to get pregnant faster.

2 mins read

Materials for Composting

Composting your organic waste allows you to create nutrient-dense food for your garden. Creating a compost pile requires only a small amount of space and a few materials to get started. Once it’s up and running, you simple need to keep feeding the pile so that you can have a steady stream of compost for your garden.