2 mins read

Can I Safely Lose Weight During Pregnancy?

Many women are concerned about the weight that they’ll gain during pregnancy, but it’s important to note that some weight gain is necessary in most pregnancies. The weight that you gain isn’t all fat — most of it is your baby, placenta, increased blood flow and other things that you need to support your baby. Pregnancy is not the time to try to lose weight, but it’s safe in some cases.

3 mins read

Packing Tips for Disney World

The trip to Disney World is probably at the top of your family’s list of vacation destinations. If you don’t plan carefully, however, you can spend a lot of money. Make packing lists before your trip and take care to bring everything that you will need. This will ensure that your trip is as stress-free as possible.

2 mins read

Side Effects of C-Sections

In a cesarean section, or C-section, doctors surgically remove the baby from the mother’s uterus rather than delivering vaginally. Most doctors view it as a safe procedure, but there are risks and side effects associated with it. You should learn what’s normal and what might require a trip to the hospital.